
Liquid partners

As a tax token, more volatility = more taxes = more Honey Combs swept for the Brown Hole. To achieve this, Beraplug works with key partners to create and maintain Liquidity Pools combining $PLUG with volatile pair tokens, creating arbitrage opportunities that increase transaction volume. These liquid partners include:

  • ApiologyDAO:

    ApiologyDAO (incubated by The Honey Jar) seeded initial $PLUG/$ETH liquidity and has agreed to diamond paw it forever.. On Berachain Mainnet, ApDAO will convert the $ETH half of this LP for $HENLO, creating a new $HENLO/$PLUG liquidity pool. This Liquidity will be locked in an InterPoL locker permanently.

  • Beraborrow:

    Beraplug will create and incentivize a $NECT/$PLUG LP on Berachain mainnet.

  • Beradoge: tktk update

    Beraplug will be airdropped 2% of Beradoge’s token supply. These tokens will be paired with $PLUG to create yet another liquidity pool.

Distribution Partners

From time to time, the Brown Hole will swell and extra shit will come out as bonus distributions.

  • Bear Minimum Records

    • 10 Wif My Cubs rebasing NFTs

    • 10 editions of each future rebase

  • Berapunks

    • 100 BeraPunk NFTs

  • Berautistics

    • 20 WL spots

    • 135 Berautistic NFTs

  • CubHub

    • 10 NFT WL spots

  • Dirac Finance

    • 300 WL spots to the top 300 on the Plug Points Ladder

    • tktk BeracPol2

  • Shroomiez:

    tktk The Shroomiez NFT collection was airdropped 0.33% of the $PLUG token supply. In exchange, Shroomiez provided 13 NFTs and 3 Bera Shroomiez WL spots to be excreted from the Brown Hole.

Treasury partners

Beraplugs are always incredibly sticky which means that sometimes when we go in to sign a partnership we come away with a stack of tokens as wel These yield-bearing assets will be diamond pawed, with all yield generated added to the Honeycomb Sweep Fund.

  • Yeet: The Yeet Treasury received 0.5% of $PLUG and agreed to diamond paw it forever. In return, Beraplug will diamond paw 0.4% of the $YEET token supply, with all yield generated to be used to sweep Honey Comb NFTs.

How to partner

Think your protocol might look better if a bit of it was coming out of a brown hole? Here’s what opening up the Plug can do for your protocol:

  1. tktk The Brown Hole is the ultimate distribution tool for the Bera-aligned protocol. Our holders are confirmed to be as sticky as they come.

  2. The Brown Hole is clenched nice and tight, which means any tokens, whitelists or NFTs you give us will drip out nice and slowly into the paws of our holders.

  3. Beraplug has over $500k in protocol owned liquidity, and extrinsic rewards, which it can direct to your token via a shared liquidity pool.

If you're interested in partnering, DM us on X.

Last updated