how to plug
What is $PLUG?
Beraplug ($PLUG) is an ERC-20 compatible, LayerZero omnichain fungible token (OFT) contract.
That’s a lot of words to say that it’s a token designed to migrate from one blockchain to another. The team chose this token standard to facilitate the token’s initial launch on Ethereum, and subsequent launch on Base, with the goal of migrating $PLUG to Berachain after it goes live.
The Brown Hole
The $PLUG contract charges taxes on every transfer, which are used to sweep Honey Comb NFTs from the market. Beraplug may acquire Honey Comb from NFT marketplaces like Sudoswap, Element, Caviar, OpenSea, and Blur.
But the Brown Hole can only hold so much Honey Combs and Bera NFTs inside the BrownHole. Once a day, at midnight UTC, some shit slides out and lands in the wallet of a dedicated $PLUG Holder. If they ever want more where that came from, they better have strong grippy. Over time, the goal is to migrate the entire Honey Comb supply from jeets to diamond pawed chads.
When this happens the Plug contracts take a snapshot of every wallet that holds $PLUG or $PLUG Liquidity Tokens, assigning each a certain number of points based on a series of onchain behaviours and reputation scores. These are:
The Jeet Factor (JF)
The ChadFactor (CF)
The PlayFactor (PF)
The ArtFactor (AF)
By design, Brown Hole game points do not depend on the amount of HC you have. Some new community members may find it to be a more fun and accessible way to get their first Honey Comb than market buying them.
Players who don’t like doing math can choose to just stack and hold $PLUG tokens and or LP Tokens in their wallet, but even players who hate math need to be aware of the Jeet Factor.
The maffs
The following calculations break down the current factors within the Plug Points equation. These calculations are subject to change based on community input.
LP is calculated by the # of $PLUG represented by official liquidity pools, multiplied by 3.3 as a bonus for contributing to protocol liquidity.
ArtFactor (AF) rewards the truly cultured who laugh at butt plug jokes and BeraPlug’s very serious lore. Wallets get boosts for each Legend of Beraplug lore video, Beraplug Mirror article, P.L.U.G. track, or Don't Like Berachain track they own.
JeetFactor (JF) slashes Honey Comb jeets. If a wallet that holds $PLUG or LP has sold HoneyCombs the wallet’s Plug Points are slashed based on the % of HoneyCombs sold. 0 HoneyCombs sold, 1x JF. 100% of HoneyCombs sold, 0x JF.
To prevent sneaky jeets from using other wallets to sell, JF also applies a temporary 30 day slash after any Honey Comb transfer. You might think you’re a pro jeet but the Plug team was born in the trenches, we know your tricks.
The only way to improve your JF is to do penance by acquiring more HoneyCombs and holding on for dear life, or by paying the transfer tax and resetting the ChadFactor to move to a new wallet.
ChadFactor (CF) rewards the strong hands, providing a boost to Plug Points for chads that hold HoneyCombs long-term. The CF provides a 1x multiple for players with no history of holding and a 10x multiple to wallets that have held Honeycombs for over 90 days.
PlayFactor (PF) rewards the wallets that contribute to the Brown Hole via transfer taxes during the game round. The average holder will have a PF of 1, up to 5x for the biggest traders. To enhance your PF trade $PLUG, but make sure you’re hodling at each snapshot.
Last updated